Or are some things better left unsaid?
I feel terrible. Last night, I knowingly went out with for a few drinks with some ex-co-workers, whom I haven't seen in ages. It turns out that two of the guys who showed up, I had at one time kissed. I'm also really honest with my boyfriend. I tell him everything, and he knows about those two instances.
I don't know where my fault lies heavier: always telling my boyfriend the truth, or deciding to go out with old friends who I've made out with. Needless to say, he put two and two together last night and realized who I was out with and got quite upset. Supposedly, in his mind, I'm the slut at work and the guys were talking about me behind my back, and there is no way he could handle other guys talking about me like a piece of ass. I'd like to think that I could trust the guys, or at least one of them, enough to know at that that is not true. But I'll never really know.
So I've got a pain in my gut and I feel heartless for yelling at my honey last night. In my slightly drunken state, I left an ugly message telling him that his reaction solidified my decision to call our relationship quits. WTF? I guess his anger was a totally well placed misdirection that made me totally forget about his gambling debts.
I'm miserable. So I'm off to feign to be a good girl at mass.